Dr. Kishore Mehta

Dr. Kishore Mehta

Dr. Kishore Mehta is a consulting homeopath since 36 years and is an academician and has been awarded Best Teacher in India in 2000. He has been handling complex cases across the world. He visits regularly to Bulgaria since 2008 as Homoeopathic Medical Advisor at Hiron Medical Centre Sophia and has seen more than 600 cases. He has patients from Greece U.S.A. U.K. Japan, Dubai,Sharzah etc.

Academic Contributions:

  • Dr.Kishore Mehta has been Director for P.G. Sonaji roao Kshirsagar Homoeopathic Medical College, Beed, Maharashtra.
  • He is a Professor of Homeopathic Materia Medica, Organon and Philosophy since 34 yrs, PhD and P.G Guide for M.U.H.S. Maharashtra.
  • He is actively involved in opining about standardization of Syllabus, Method of Training and Examining P.G. Students to Central Council of Homoeopathy, India.

Seminar and Workshop:

  • Organized, attended and presented number of papers in various National and International Seminars.
  • Organized number of workshops for U.G. and P.G. all over India.
  • 5 Clinical training and workshops in Homoeopathic practice at Hiron Medical centre Sophia Bulgaria.
  • Clinical training given Australian and Switzerland Homoeopaths in India at Goa.
  • Resource person for ROTP program of Central Council of Homoeopathy New Delhi.
  • Resource person for clinical training methodology to the teachers of Homoeopathic Medical Colleges conducted by AYUSH.
  • Resource person for workshops on Module 1 & 2 of Homoeopathic medical Technology organized by CCH Between 2012 and 2013 at New Delhi and Trivandrum.
  • Presentation on Homoeopathic Approach to Rheumatology In seminar organized by CCRH at Mumbai on 22/23 August 2013. First ever Webinar presentation organized by SKH Medical College,Beed, Maharashtra on behalf of M.U.H.S University in 2013 April.

Literary Work:

  • Presented original papers on Approach to Skin Diseases, Psoriasis, MateriaMedica, Organon and Philosophy.
  • Author of ‘Clinical Case Record and Homoeopathic Practice’ based on Organon.
  • Dissertation on ‘Changing Concepts of Materia Medica’ during P.G. Training.
  • Author of Text book of ‘Miasm’.
  • One of the contributors in writing books on ‘Mother and Child care with homoeopathy’ & ‘Homoeopathic approach to the management of Diabetes Mellitus with Homoeopathy’ & ‘Homoeopathic approach to the management of Diabetes Mellitus with Homoeopathy’


  • Best Teacher in India in the year 2000, first time ever declared by Homoeopathic Research Society, India.
  • Appreciation of Life time contribution in Homoeopathy by Medicure and Hompath, Mumbai, B.D. Jatti Homoeopathic Medical College, Dharwad.
  • Felicitated by Govt. of Gujarat in association with Homoeopathic Medical Association of India for life time contribution in Homoeopathic education On 10th April 2005.
  • Felicitated by SKH Medical Goa and Research Society of India as a Chairman of all the Scientific sessions of All India National Homoeopathic Conference on National Health Programme aided by Aayush a Central Government of India body. February 2008.
Recording Available

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Course Series
Course Series (7 Sessions)
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Course Series (108 Sessions)
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Course Series (2 Sessions)
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Course Series (5 Sessions)
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Course Series (11 Sessions)
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